Monday 19 January 2009


My recent addiction to this god-forsaken retro game has given me time to think about the development of the gaming world and I have a number of points I’d like to raise.

I honestly believe that AI has not really developed. I swear, stick an army suit on those ghosts and make the world 3d, maybe give Pacman a gun or something and we’d pretty much have any of the games out at the moment. The ghosts have always been smart, they know when you’re weak so they chase you, they know when you’re strong so they run… I’m not even sure if most of the modern games enemies understand that premise.

Next is the intensity of the game. Yes, I understand the graphics lack… well, graphics… and its not really much to look at but I challenge any one to sit and play that game without the same intensity of any Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 game.
Picture it, you’re being chased by 4 alpha enemies through a dark passage, only lit by the tiny balls of light that guide your way. You find your ammo, you’re ready to take them on… but your ammo is limited, in no time at all you’ve made it through the maze, hunted down your prey only to find your ammo gone and once again, the enemy is strong. You run for your life but they’ve cornered you, coming at you from all sides… you accept your fate. Next life.

My last and final point is on the longevity of the game. I have often thought of what makes something retro or stand the test of time and I think I finally understand what created longevity of this game. A game needs to be easy enough to play but impossible to win. Pacman’s controls are simple and can keep you hooked for hours, days, years and apparently decades but I challenge you to complete a game. I have tried and failed over and over again, I’m pretty sure this game will stick around till we’ve evolved into a higher species with bigger brains and faster thumbs that can handle it.

So to conclude, Pacman… I hate bloody Pacman. Stupid ghosts.

I’m going to go play some Pacman now. Wakka Wakka Wakka… Bye. Wakka.


  1. You havent completed a game yet?!!
    It took me a couple of attempts, but its EASY! I did it when i was about 14 aswell. Shame on you!

  2. I challenge you to complete the 10min challenge mode on Xbox360... not possible sir, not possible!
